My Journal




Hey Jeremy,
You’ve done a wonderful thing in putting your knowledge and skills down as texts and videos for other, less privileged players to learn from. I live in South Australia so the worst of our winters are rain and wind at around 8 degrees Celsius. Playing hockey here can be a very expensive venture.
I played inline when I was a teenager and left it to pursue other things when I hit 16. I’m now 33 and even though I had a deep passion for the game, it only surfaced 6 months ago. I finally bought my skates about 3 weeks ago with a stick and gloves. Wasn’t going cheap with anything but your info on cheap vs expensive was very helpful.
Next season I will begin playing for the C grade here. But in the meantime, I will get as many of your practice drills in as I can to up my game, and try to get some ice time too (you can imagine how rare that can be in a place that doesn’t freeze).
Thank you for being the first major person to do these kinds of videos and tutorials. I’m not starting from scratch, but I’m definitely out of touch and this is the best way to get training from North America without going there. You’re a legend in the making.

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